Properties of natural cinnamon and orange soap
Cinnamon is an excellent natural antioxidant with the ability to protect the skin from the effects of aging , in addition to being effective in the treatment of acne and fungi .
Natural cinnamon and orange soaps are excellent for the care of mature skin and for young skin due to their anti-acne effect .
This natural soap contains ground cinnamon that also exfoliates, softens and revives the skin
Natural cinnamon and orange soap has high levels of serum acid from oranges that help with peeling skin and dry out acne .
The antioxidants contained in orange peel delay the appearance of wrinkles and help our body produce collagen and elastin, maintaining the elasticity of the skin, thanks to its contributions of Vitamin C.
Another property of oranges is calcium , which also helps regenerate the skin.
Weight per unit : 90-100 g